Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Bell Cranel’s Big Cock (Danmachi)

Bell Cranel’s Big Cock (Danmachi)

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Themes: Moresome, Dom/Sub, Mind Break

Summary: An AU where Bell willingly takes the aphrodisiac provided by the Ishtar Family after his abduction. If he can't win his way... he decides he'll win their way and give them a taste of their own medicine. Ishtar and her Amazons think he's adorable... until he starts rocking their world, of course. Then they just think he's a stud that they can't get enough of. 


He was up shit-creek without a paddle. There was simply no way out that Bell Cranel could see. Sitting there in a room filled with cushions and blankets deep within the Ishtar Family’s stronghold, Bell stares at the drink in front of him, knowing full well that it’s laden with aphrodisiacs. After they’d abducted him and brought him here, the Amazonesses of the Ishtar Family had told him they were used to having ‘shy’ clients and provided him with a drink that they said would make things so much easier for him.

If he drank this drink, then Bell had no doubt it would be all too easy to just… lay back, relax, and let everything happen. But while he might have been a shy young man at heart, he was also the sort of guy who wanted to be a hero. Who wanted to be better than his base nature. Unfortunately, escaping was out of the question.

That really only left him with one option. Gritting his teeth, his red eyes flashing with determination and anger, Bell reaches forward and snatches the glass off the table. Then, he downs the alcoholic beverage in one go. It burns going down, but not in a bad way. He doesn’t even cough over it, in fact. It’s surprisingly smooth, even as the heat from the drink begins to immediately spread throughout his small body.

Well, most of him is small anyways. There’s one part of Bell Cranel that has never been small. One part of him that sits at a disproportionate size when compared to the rest of his body.

A few minutes after he drinks the aphrodisiac-laden alcohol, the door to the room opens and the three members of the Berbera who abducted him and brought him here enter with wicked grins on their faces.

“Oh, it looks like someone did the smart thing and had their drink. What a good… boy…”

Aisha Belka is the leader of the Berbera, the side of the Ishtar Family who are active combatants. She’s also a gorgeous purple eyed, dark-skinned Amazoness with long black hair that covers the right side of her face. She wears a dancer’s outfit and has various golden jewelry all across her torso. Her clothing is incredibly revealing as well.

Flanking her on either side are Lena Tally and Samira, the other two Amazonesses who helped Aisha abduct Bell. Lena is a brown-haired girl with equally revealing clothing as her superior, as well as a golden collar around her neck and golden hoop earrings. Samira, meanwhile, has short white hair and a tougher sort of appearance to her. She was more warrior than woman, to the point that even among her fellow Amazonesses, she stood out.

And yet… she’s struck just as dumb as Aisha and Lena by the sight before her. Namely, while all three of the tanned women are dressed like they belong to the profession their Familia is known for, Bell… isn’t dressed at all. The young man has completely stripped naked in the past few minutes and is idly stroking his cock as he stares at them all with a hunger in his eyes that is only partially because of the aphrodisiac he’d willingly drank.

Said cock is clearly the biggest any of the three of them have ever seen, because their mouths are open in shock as they stare at it, visibly amazed.

“Well? Are we going to do this or not?”

Bell’s aggressive, angry voice fills the room, startling the three Amazonesses out of their little bout of staring. They all blush, and Lena and Samira exchange a look while Aisha clears her throat.

“O-Of course… as leader of the Berbera, I shall go first! Lay down, Bell, and I shall show you what it means to be loved by an Amazoness~”

Snorting derisively, Bell rolls his shoulders.


He doesn’t sound like he believes her, but he still lies down on the nearby couch all the same. Aisha tries not to look like she’s too interested as she hurries over, but there’s no denying the lack of seduction sway in her step. She quickly strips off the bottom part of her dancer’s outfit but doesn’t bother with anything more. Instead, she climbs aboard and yanks her top down, exposing her tits while lining herself up on Bell to impale herself reverse cowgirl.

Pulling aside her panties with one hand, Aisha feels up one of her breasts with the other, even as she places herself over the tip of Bell’s massive cock and slowly begins to lower herself onto him.

“Mm… that’s a good b-boy… oooh, s-so thick… so big…”

Not to be left out, Lena and Samira both walk over, half-stripping as well until they’re just left in Lena’s little orange vest and Samira’s white top respectively. Their pussies drip with arousal and their own breasts are capped with rock hard nipples as they watch Aisha drop inch after inch down onto Bell’s member.

“Can he really be called a boy with a cock that big, Aisha?”

“Hmph. Of course he can. It’s not the size, but how you use it, Lena.”

As Lena and Samira both make their opinions known, Aisha is too busy trying to keep her wits about her to answer them. She’s on the verge of losing her breath as she sinks down past the halfway point onto Bell’s cock. However, unfortunately for her… Samira’s antagonistic words reach the white-haired young man. Suddenly, his hands come up and grab Aisha by the waist.

“How you use it? Is that what you said? Well then…”

Right in front of Lena and Samira’s eyes, Bell suddenly blurs into motion. Far faster than any of them would have thought possible, the well hung young man begins to fuck up into Aisha from below. The leader of Berbera has only a moment to register this before her eyes go wide and a loud, embarrassing squeal leaves her lips.


But Bell doesn’t let up. Suddenly seeming to have way more strength and speed than any of them had given him credit for, he fucks Aisha from below so hard and so fast that her tits bounce up and down in a blur. Her entire body shakes and spasms, her squeals and screams filling the room as Lena and Samira both look on with surprised faces. After a moment their surprise fades and they both begin to snicker at Aisha’s expense.

“Really Aisha? He’s just a boy, isn’t he? That’s what you said, right?”

“Wow… I didn’t know Bell was so manly… keep it up, Bell!”

It’s pretty damn obvious that Bell has no intention of stopping any time soon. He’s fucking Aisha like a machine… and at some point, he’s tipped her over the edge and flipped on her pleasure switch, because the dark-skinned Amazoness is making a truly silly expression, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she’s fucked silly from below.

It shouldn’t have been possible. She was a sexual woman, after all, with plenty of experience. More than that, she was on top! The position of power! And yet, Bell fully turns the table on her, and Aisha loses track of how many orgasms she has before finally, with one last grunt, he unloads inside of her.

Squealing, Aisha falls backwards onto his chest… only to be grabbed and pulled off of his cock a moment later and tossed aside by her own Amazonesses. She spasms and twitches on the floor, almost seizing up from the excess pleasure she’s still feeling… but Lena and Samira don’t care.

“My turn! You can have his mouth, Lena.”

“Awww… okay!”

Without further ado, the other two Amazonesses quickly tag team Bell. This time it’s Samira sliding herself down the young man’s incredibly large length, while Lena sits on Bell’s face. Both women have some… doubts about whether they can handle Bell alone. Samira would never voice them of course; she has her warrior’s pride. Likewise, Lena would never say it out loud because then Samira would judge her.

But deep in their hearts, they’re both afraid that Bell might do to them what he’d just done to Aisha. However… if they tackle him together, then it should be fine, right? There’s no world in which Bell should be able to fuck Samira silly while his attention is split with eating out Lena! Meanwhile, Lena is happy to go last, because not only does it mean her pussy will be well-lubricated for taking Bell’s huge cock, but he’ll also be the most tired when he finally gets around to her.

It's the perfect plan, or so both of them think. As they begin to ride their respective half of Bell Cranel however… the young man reaches up, one hand grabbing onto one of Lena’s thighs and the other anchoring on Samira’s hip. And then… he gets to work.


Ishtar saunters down the hall, a victorious and vicious smile on her face as she struts her way to the room where her Amazonesses have been… softening Bell Cranel up for her. Ever since the boy no sold her Charm Ability, the Goddess of Beauty has been waiting for this moment. As soon as Aisha told her that they’d captured Bell Cranel, she’d told the Amazoness and her friends to… prepare him for their Goddess.

They’d very carefully NOT told Phryne that Bell was on the premises again. While Phryne was a powerful fighter, she was a terrible Captain and not at all loyal. Better if she never even finds out that Bell is here. That’s why Ishtar had just got done sending Phryne on an important, long-term mission far, far away. So that she and the others could enjoy Bell to the fullest extent~

By now, Ishtar imagines that Aisha and the other two have Bell eating right out of the palms of their hands. Which means he’s all but primed to submit to his Goddess. Beaming, the Goddess of Beauty throws open the door to the room and steps inside, her mouth opening to announce her arrival… only for the words to never come.

She blinks at what she sees before her once she takes in the room. Bell is there still, at least. He hasn’t escaped again. And the three Amazonesses she tasked with softening him up for her are also there. However… Aisha, Samira, and Lena are all in various humiliating poses, in varying degrees of fucked senseless. Each has a stupid expression on their faces, with their eyes rolled back and their tongues lolled out. And each is covered and filled with cum, leaking out of them and dripping off of their tanned bodies.

Ishtar feels her heart tha-thump in her chest out of fear for a second as she takes in the view. But just as quickly as she feels that fear, she discards it while focusing her gaze on the man himself… Bell Cranel.

He sits there surrounded by the bodies of her Familia Members, his massive cock twitching and still rock hard, pointed in her general direction. Licking her lips, the Goddess of Beauty reaches up and discards the scraps of cloth that she calls a top. She exposes her massive breasts to Bell, even as she reaches down and removes her skirt as well.

Now clad in just her golden collar, her golden tiara, and her golden bracelets and anklets, Ishtar slowly approaches, sashaying her hips all the while.

“Exquisite. I knew you were special, Bell… but I had no idea just how special~”

The short young man watches her with those red eyes of his and they seem filled with knowledge. But he only thinks he knows what she’s capable of. She’s the most beautiful woman in Orario! He might have been able to handle her Amazonesses, but handling her? That would be a different story!

Climbing into Bell’s lap where he’s sat on the couch, Ishtar fits his cock against her pussy lips down below, even as she straddles him. Then, once she has the tip of his dick in her entrance, she gyrates her hips, circling his cockhead and slowly pushing just a quarter inch of his dick up into her at a time. At the same time, her hands wrap around and lace at the nape of Bell’s neck as she grins down into his intense red eyes.

“Such a brooding young man. Don’t worry. You’ll learn to love being beneath me, Bell Cranel. You will-!”


Blinking, Ishtar looks over, a thunderous look on her face as Aisha interrupts her. The Amazoness has regained consciousness and is looking at Ishtar in concern.

“You dare interrupt?!”

“I’m sorry Goddess, but I needed to warn you! He’s at his strongest when you think he’s at his weakest! He’s most powerful… on the bottom!”

What? Ishtar barely has a chance to register Aisha’s warning, before a pair of surprisingly strong hands grabs her by the hips. She looks down at Bell in surprise, not having expected the young man to put his hands on her person without permission, even with the defiant look on his face. However, she doesn’t get a chance to reprimand him for it… because he yanks her the rest of the way down his cock a moment later.

Here's the thing. Ishtar might think she’s all that and a bag of chips, but in actuality… she’s the weakest member of her own Familia, just like every God and Goddess is. Their powers are locked away while they’re on the mortal world, meaning that they can only make others stronger, while they are little more than base human.

Bell might not be the strongest adventurer in this room, but he fucked Ishtar’s girls silly in spite of that. However, one thing is for sure… he’s a LOT stronger than Ishtar herself.

As he begins to fuck her from below with powerful thrusts, his massive cock penetrating Ishtar’s womb itself by the third bounce, the Goddess of Beauty is caught completely off guard by his sheer ferocity. She hadn’t forgotten that Bell was immune to her Charm… but she HAD become so used to everyone being so easily Charmed over the years that she’d completely forgotten what it meant to not be in control during sex.

The Goddess of Beauty squeals as Bell fucks her silly. He doesn’t hesitate, he doesn’t hold back, and he doesn’t show mercy. It’s just like Aisha had tried to say. Bell Cranel… was a power bottom. The power bottom to end all power bottoms. And where Ishtar and her Familia had THOUGHT they were in charge because they were on top… where they’d thought they had control because they were initiating the sex and keeping Bell on his back… they were instead playing right into the young man’s hands.

Ishtar’s eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth in short order as she cums again and again upon Bell’s massive dick. Meanwhile, Aisha, Samira, and Lena are all conscious by this point. And… they know they should help their Goddess. They owe everything to her, after all. Bell Cranel is dangerous and they should separate Ishtar from him as soon as possible.

… But none of them makes a single move to do so. Instead they just watch, even as their fingers delve deep into their creampied cunts and then come to their lips so they can lick their digits clean. They watch as Bell Cranel breaks their Goddess upon his glorious bitch breaking cock… just as he broke each and every one of them.

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